
Betty Brinn

The other day, I took the boys to Betty Brinn where we met their friends, Maddie and Katie, and their mom (my friend), Steph. It was a little chaotic. There are tons of things to see and do, and numerous places to see and do those things. Add a couple of field trips and other kids there with parents and it makes for a challenging time keeping track of the kids. It also didn’t help that all of the kids from one of the field trips were in red t-shirts-just like my two boys. But we managed. Here are some pictures:

caden piano boys working on car2 boys working on car noah fixing car noah driving bus caden grocery1 caden grocery2 noah delivering noah mailing
(Notice Caden in the upper left corner mid-jog!)
firefighter noah caden girls boat kids boat boys boat

I just love Caden’s facial expressions in the next pictures!
caden puppetshow1 caden puppetshow3 caden puppetshow2

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