
You Capture (and a funny phrase)

The theme for You Capture this week was “texture.” I really struggled with this for a while. I think it’s partly because I’m feeling sort of uninspired. I feel like we’ve been waiting forever for spring, and it’s taking its sweet little time coming to my part of the world. Take, for example, the temperature right now-28 degrees. Enough already! I want 60’s! I want flowers! I want green grass!

But I digress. I finally came up with a few shots following the theme of texture:

noodles laying

noodles standing

This one is my favorite:

Can you tell I was hungry?

Did you play?


This morning, Noah came downstairs dressed (finally!) in green sweatpants, a red t-shirt with a football on front over a long-sleeved red shirt. I told him to change his pants.


“Because you look like Christmas! Put on some jeans.”

“But I want to save my jeans without holes for when we go out and about!” (Seriously!)

“Well, school is “out and about”, so go change!”

I guess I taught him that.

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