
November 2007

Happy (belated) birthday to Noah!

I am a terrible Mom.  I got all excited about my own birthday, wrote on my blog all about “my day,” then neglected to take the time to let the world know about my son’s 4th birthday.  Maybe it was because I was asleep on the sofa by 9:30, just a few minutes after I got the boys to bed that night, falling into a deep sleep after the crazy weekend we had just finished.

Friday we were out of town for a wedding, then Saturday was spent baking numerous items of deliciousness for Noah’s birthday and a bake sale at church.  Sunday morning found me helping to set up the bake sale at church, then hurrying home to get ready for the onslaught of 3/4 year olds for Noah’s birthday party.  Thank God for my wonderful husband who cleaned areas in the house I was hoping would just look a little more tidy.

The kids started arriving at 11, and the craziness was on, with the kids running around, bopping each other on the head with balloons.  No problem, they were our playgroup buddies anyway, and the party was just a fancy playgroup, with pizza, cake, and presents.  The pizza arrived and we had a little quiet while the kids noshed on Toppers pizza and breadsticks.  Then it was time for presents, with all of the kids wanting to help Noah open his goodies.  Time for more silliness while the kids tried out some of Noah’s new stuff, then onto cupcakes.  Banana cake with chocolate frosting, just as my son requested.  Not the ideal cake flavor for some of the kids, but it’s the only kind of cake Noah has ever finished an entire piece.  The kids headed to the basement for a little while before the parents started arriving around 1:00 to take their sugar-loaded kids home.


I then got the boys into bed for short naps, laid on the sofa to get a bit of a rest myself, before I had to get the kids up for trick or treating.  I woke them both from a pretty sound sleep, got them dressed in their costumes, then headed out.  Caden was not too sure about accepting candy from complete strangers (good boy!), but warmed up to it a bit when he saw the goodies in his bucket.  Noah loved every second.

By the time we got back home, Grandma, Grandpa, Chuck and Sara had arrived, quickly followed by Nana and Boppa, and Lizzy, who were all arriving for Noah’s birthday dinner.  Yep, it keeps going!

Chuck and Grandpa sent everyone out of the front yard (no problem, since I still had to frost Noah’s second cake!), then called us back out a few minutes later.  There was a large item covered with a drop cloth in the driveway, with a sign that said “Happy Birthday Noah!  Love, Chuck and Sara.”  Okay…  As Noah uncovered it, Andy and I quickly realized we had been caught on a technicality.  Chuck had asked for suggestions for Noah’s birthday present, and we simply said, “As long as it’s age-appropriate.”  We now have to make room in our garage for a convertible Pontiac Solstice Power Wheels car!

  We never thought we’d have one of these, but the boys love it, and I didn’t have to buy it!  🙂

We had a nummy dinner of brats, Noah’s request, then opened presents.  Noah got some great things, and we spent time assembling things-Hungry Hungry Hippo (awesome!), a cool race track with a loop, and a camera.  Never too early to start!


The next day, his actual birthday included school, with a birthday treat, lunch at McDonald’s with a playland with Mama and Daddy, picking up Caden from school and playing on the playground and in the sandbox for a while, then off to Toys R Us to spend a gift card and get his present from Matte and Cathy-girl.  Per request, Noah received a Sit N Spin and Hippity Hop from his uncle and aunt.  Definite winners!


We capped off the evening with gingerbread pancakes, a phone conversation with is buddy Bella in Massachusetts, and watching a couple of Backyardigans episodes from his new DVD he bought with his gift card.  Not a bad day, huh?  It’s good to be 4!


1 comment to Happy (belated) birthday to Noah!

  • Liz P

    I was wondering when we were going to hear about Noah’s birthday festivities! I still want the recipe for the gingerbread pancakes. Yum!