I’ve had kind of a crappy weekend.
There have been some highlights:
-Zumba class with Amy and her sisters (which, thankfully, included margaritas!)
-50-degree weather in February in southeast Wisconsin and a trip to the playground with the boys
-a family baby shower for Andy’s cousin’s new baby where we won one of the games and a B&N gift card
-drinks with my hubby, sister-in-law, brother-in-law and his girlfriend at a fun little martini bar where we were the youngest patrons by about 10 years with a Dean Martin look-alike performing
-a sunny day just asking for a walk outside
But it’s hard to remember those things when you’re exhausted (because you went out for drinks at a cute martini bar when you knew you had to get up for church this morning) and your “adorable” little boys are doing everything in their power to piss you off! It’s mostly a lack of listening, not following directions, and misbehaving in the exact same way day after day.
Add to that the stress of realizing you might have missed the chance to refinance to save some money or put it toward the other half of the windows that need to be replaced on your house, wondering where your 5-year-old will be going to kindergarten in the fall, not getting all of your scheduled hours at work due to low census, not eating very well, not having the energy to work out on a gorgeous day, and it sort of adds up to a bit of craposity.
But then I read a blog entry by Catheroo, my dear SIL. She’s been participating in a group called “Grace in Small Things” and her latest list included a link to this quote, and it opened my eyes a bit. Someone who commented on that quote posted the entire version, and here it is:
Do What You Can
A motivation by Ralph Marston, Jr.
Do what you can, when you can, where you are, with whatever you have available to you. Though you may not have enough time or resources right now to finish, you have some time available to get started.
Every book that was ever written, no matter how lengthy, was written one word at a time. Every race that was ever won was completed one step at a time. Great accomplishments come from stringing one effort on top of another.
With enough small efforts, anything can be achieved. Though you may not have the time or the resources to make a big impact, use what you do have to make a small difference. Do it often enough, with commitment and focus, and the big results will surely come.
Don’t waste the time you have by complaining that there’s not enough of it. Use it to do what you can. As quickly as time is used it is replaced, but if you don’t use what you have right now, you’ll never get the opportunity again.
Do what you can, every opportunity you get. You’ll soon find yourself getting exactly where you wish to go.
So I think things have been put into perspective a little more. Maybe the fact that my kids are in bed is helping too…
Sorry the weekend was crappy. But that quote at the end was great! It’s something I should remember.