
December 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday, Caden!!!

I’m in amazement today. Caden, my “baby”, you are 3 years old! I swear I only blinked after you were born! This past year has been so fun watching you change and grow. And you have really developed quite a personality!

You are a bit more “challenging” than Noah was at this age! You are fiercely independent, but still love having your Mama do things for you. You are very busy all the time. You love music, and really enjoyed our music class together this fall. You have many “buddies”, but your best bud is your big brother, Noah. You often ask when he will be home from school, even if we just dropped him off!

You love your “school” and bring home great art projects all the time. You talk about your buddy, Oliver, every time school discussions arise. You are totally into cars, especially “Cars” the movie. If you had your way, we’d watch that movie every night!

You have the cutest way of speaking, as you can’t quite pronounce your “R”s. You are also very animated when you are speaking excitedly. And you get excited very easily! You love the Space Shuttle, trucks, books, “Little Einsteins”, and being a boy! You always greet your daddy and me by running to us for a big hug-that’s the best!

Your daddy and I have loved watching how you’ve changed over the past year, and we can’t wait to see what’s to come. I love having you in my life, and I can’t imagine what life would be without you, your enthusiasm, and your love. I’m so looking forward to seeing what you learn and do while you are three.

I love you, my sweet Caden.

What a difference a year makes!

2007 happy cake 2007
2008 caden3
bday dinner bday dragon
bday cake 2008 candles
lick red teeth

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