***Disclaimer***There is a questionable photo in one of the posts to which I have a link, so you may want to shield your computer screen from your kids!***
This past week, we elected our first African-American president. As everyone has been saying, it’s a great way to show our kids that they can be anything they want to be, and do whatever they want to do. No matter what.
Unfortunately, in California, a “majority” of voters decided to amend the state constitution to ban gay marriage by passing Proposition 8, or “Prop ‘Hate'” as it’s being called in some circles. This “majority” has decided to tell the homosexual community that they can’t do whatever they want to do. Even though I don’t live in California, I worry that this may be the start of something. Something that may reach across the country.
Since I’m not as eloquent as other bloggers out there, I’m going to refer you to my sister-in-law’s blog and to her friend Jenni’s blog. Catheroo says it better than I ever could. Jenni says it in another way, and just as well. I’ll also let their pictures take the place of my picture of the day.