It’s November, which means that it’s NaBloPoMo, aka National Blog Posting Month. I’m going to give it a shot. I did it last year, but missed one day. I did it in August, and made it the whole month. I think I can do it. But I’m adding another element-I’m going to try to post at least one picture every day as well. It won’t necessarily be a picture I took that day, though. It shouldn’t be hard-I have thousands of pictures I can choose from. I’ll try to stay current!
Here are some pictures from trick-or-treating this year. We double-dipped-last Sunday in our neighborhood (freezing!!!) and Halloween night in my parents’ neighborhood (much nicer weather!).
Oct. 26-Our buddies, Kylie (Snow White) and Andy (Tigger) surprised us in our neighborhood, so we had a good time running around with them. We also ran into more buddies, Maddie (Ladybug) and Katie (Bumblebee).
Oct. 31-There are a ton of kids on my parents’ court now, including friends, Hannah and Katie, who used to live in our neighborhood (no coincidence-my mom told my friend about the house they bought!). We started as a large mob, then, as the bigger kids ran ahead (including Noah), the younger kids got left behind (including Caden). We mostly regrouped, but went a loooooonnnnnngggggg way through the neighborhood before getting back to my parents’ house. It was a great night, though. One of the warmest Halloween nights in recent memory.