
October 2008

Lapham Peak

I took the boys to Lapham Peak in Kettle Moraine State Forest today. It was another gorgeous day, about 80 degrees (in October in Wisconsin!), and too perfect to pass up. Andy was finishing sanding the deck, so he passed.

The first thing we did when we got to Lapham Peak was head to the observatory tower, 45 feet above ground and 1233 feet above sea level, the tallest point in Waukesha County. It was beautiful up there. It was even prettier before a guy up there commented on the sway of the tower, then asked if there is a weight limit for the platform. Yeah, thanks for that. Just adding to my mild case of acrophobia. Anyway, the view was amazing, and the colors were terrific. The boys lasted about 30 seconds or so.
heading to the tower nagawicka
mama boys tower boys tower

We headed back down to the bottom and out onto the trails to do some hiking. There were tons of people out today, no doubt all trying to soak up one last hurrah before winter descends upon us for the next six months! That’s why we were there!
boys path noah path

After we checked out some trails, we got our lunch out of the car to have our picnic. Then we drove to another area of the park to see what else there was to see. We found a pond, a tree with what seemed to be a red trunk from far away, and some great leaves to throw around and play in.
red trunk boys pond
noah leaves caden leaves

On the way home we discovered Cushing Park in Delafield that has an amazing wooden play structure. Suddenly their legs that were too tired to walk anymore on the hiking trails had all sorts of energy to run around at the playground! We had a good day.

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