
September 2008

Frugal or cheap?

This morning, Noah woke up with a very red eye and a crusty nose. I’m fairly certain he has pink eye. Ugh. Of course it would happen on a holiday! My kids don’t get sick or hurt on regular days, just weekends, after hours, or holidays.

Anyways, I wasn’t going to do anything about it, but then I consulted my American Academy of Pediatrics “bible” that gives me the long and short about most things health related. It said he should see a doctor immediately. Ugh. Okay, let’s get dressed and head to the nearest “doc-in-a-box.” Thankfully, there’s a new walk-in clinic at Walgreens, so we headed there.

I started to check him in, using the touch screen, and got to the screen asking if I wanted to bill my insurance or pay out of pocket. It’s like $25, right? No, says the nice lady there helping. Rates start at $59-$79, not including any testing they may do. Um, okay, check my insurance. Oh, yeah, my husband works for QuadGraphics, which has its own medical plan, QuadMed. Huh? Well we can check it to see if it’s covered. Um, no. Ugh. We’ll take our chances and head to the mall where there is an Aurora QuickCare (just like the one across the street, but it’s closed because of Labor Day).

Off to the mall we go. Thank goodness it was just Noah and me, and not Caden too. We get to the mall and head to the QuickCare desk. Yeah, it’s closed. Ugh. Okay, decision time. Do we head back to Walgreens and fork over the cash, or do we wait it out. His eye wasn’t nearly as red by this time, and it never had any drainage. Noah said it doesn’t even itch. Maybe it’s not pink eye! Except his eye is a little puffy, and still red inside. But if we wait, we pay $6 to see his pediatrician (or another in the practice) plus a bit more if he gets a prescription. Decision made! We’ll wait it out.

Am I a bad mother? He’s not complaining, he’s eating, playing, and annoying his brother just like any other day. I think I’m being frugal. Done. Ugh.

2 comments to Frugal or cheap?

  • Liz P

    That’s when I would break out my left over tube of Erythromyacin from one of my kids and put a little on his eye. I know you’re not supposed to save it or use it on another person, but I always use a clean Q-tip. I’ve never applied it directly from the tube. If that didn’t work after a day or two, then I’d head to the pediatrician.

  • Dr. Mark

    That’s where your pediatrician “brother” would be upset for using antibiotics without checking first. That’s how we get resistant bugs! =)
    You did fine. You are not a bad mother. Probably pink eye but would have needed to be home from school for being crusty. I don’t blame you for not going to the walgreen’s clinic. Not as cheap and convenient as it seems. Don’t hesistate to send me an email or call if you have a question. I’m happy to help if needed.