I’ve decided to start a weekly post. It will be called “This Week in Photos” and will appropriately include photos from the past week. I’ll try to do this each Saturday. Since NaBloPoMo ends tomorrow (for me), this is something I can try to keep up with for a while, until I (crazily) decide to try doing another month of NaBloPoMo. Here are the pictures:
Kind of cool shot of the wing of our airplane as we flew home on Sunday from California.
We spent the morning on Thursday out at our friend, Becky’s parents’ house on Oconomowoc Lake. It was chilly, but the kids insisted on getting into the water. At least I didn’t have to get in!
I let Caden spend a little time in “big boy undies.” He didn’t say anything to me when he peed in them! I don’t think we’re quite ready, yet!
We went to the park on Friday morning, and Noah was riding this. Since it’s the big 105th anniversary party for Harley-Davidson this weekend, we called this Noah’s Harley!
Again, for the Harley party, there were Hogs everywhere. This one came cruising by as we left the park. I didn’t get my camera out quick enough to get it from the back, but you get the idea! There were 50 flags on this bike-one for each state.
This is the sunflower that Noah started growing in a cup in May on one of our windowsills. It’s ginormous! It just started blooming this week. And there are still some flowers that will bloom.
Caden is getting ready to hit the ball out of the “bunk-aie.” That’s Cadenese for “bunker.” He doesn’t say his “r”‘s very well! I didn’t realize he knew the term “bunker”!
I’m sure as I progress through my crazy photography class, there will be many more pictures to include. We’ll see if I improve as I go!