
Photo class

I just got back from my first Intro to Photography class.  I enrolled for this class through WCTC (Waukesha County Technical College), and then realized it’s a 3 credit class!  Yep, I have tests.  FOUR of them!  And I have a portfolio that will be due at the end of the semester.

There were a few times during the class that I wondered, “What the hell am I doing here?!”  It’s almost 4 hours long, and by the end of the class today, I was starting to drift a bit.  The instructor was showing us the “studio” (a grey room with lights and computers and some other stuff, I think), and a lot of it was going over my head.  But I’m trying to remind myself that it’s early, and we’re not expected to know this stuff yet.

It should be interesting.  I’ll probably post some of my works in progress.  Critiques are welcome!

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