
Brave Caden

Today we had Caden’s annual allergy appointment. For those of you who don’t know, Caden is allergic to peanuts. Not scary allergic, but he broke out in hives around his mouth about a year and a half ago when we fed him a peanut butter sandwich. We had him tested a year ago, and it showed an allergy, so we carry around an EpiPen, and tell everyone who needs to know that he has a peanut allergy.

A couple of months ago, my mom accidentally made Caden a peanut butter sandwich instead of his “Sun Nut Butter” sandwich (made from sunflower seeds). He took a bite, then Noah reminded my mom that Caden can’t have peanuts. Caden spit the piece out, but had a bite of sandwich in his mouth for a few seconds. No reaction.

I talked to the allergist about this, but he didn’t suggest we start feeding Caden peanuts or anything. Instead he said we could do a blood test, and go from there. Maybe we’ll do a food challenge where they start by putting some peanut stuff (I don’t know what it is) on his cheek, then his lips, then his tongue, etc.

So after sitting in the allergy clinic for about 45 minutes (for a 10 minute appointment!), we headed to the lab. The phlebotomist (who couldn’t have been more than 20 years old) was very nice, but I told her I hadn’t warned Caden about what was about to happen.

I started to explain that he would have to have a little shot, but he could be really brave. She put the touniquet around his left arm and tried to find a vein. No luck. So she would have to use his right arm. No big deal, except that’s the thumb he likes to suck when he’s holding his “big blue blankie” which I was smart enough to bring with us. So he started to suck on his left thumb-quite resourceful! She cleaned his arm with the alcohol wipe, then asked me to hold his left arm. Initially, I didn’t hold it close enough because he tried to push her away once she stuck him. But he didn’t cry! He said “OUCH!” and got a little upset, but I distracted him with a fish mobile hanging from the ceiling, and next thing we knew, she was done, and he had a band-aid on his arm. WHAT A TROOPER! He picked out his prize of a box of crayons, and we were on our way. He was so brave!

BTW, when we met up with my parents and Noah for dinner afterward, Noah bumped his ear on the door of the car and had a total crying fit. I don’t even think there’s a mark! If Noah had to have blood drawn, it would have been a huge issue! The differences between the boys are amazing!

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