
Use those wrist straps!

Andy is over at my parents’ house right now, helping my dad move their flat screen TV from their bedroom back down to their family room.  It had been replaced by a slightly bigger TV about a year ago.  That new TV was quite nice, and worked great, until today.

My mom called me around midday, left me a message that said, “Call me sometime today when you get a chance and ask me about the really stupid thing I did.”  I was quite intrigued.

When I called her back, she started telling me about her morning.  She was bowling on her Wii…enough said.  If you remember when the Wii was still pretty new, there were stories about people throwing the remotes through their TV screens because they slipped out of their hands as they were bowling or playing tennis.  Yep, you guessed it.  My mom put her remote through their TV.  Okay, not exactly through, but it apparently put a hole and a large crack through the screen.  She usually wears the wrist strap, but had been multi-tasking, as we are wont to do, so she wanted to bowl one more frame.  Whoops.

My parents are now researching new flat screen TVs.  I think my dad took it pretty well.  Actually, he’s kind of excited because there’s new technology out their since they bought their TV a year ago.  I can only imagine what Andy would do/say if I did the same thing around here.  Oh wait, I don’t have a Wii!

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