Catheroo (my SIL), has interviewed me, after she was interviewed herself. I thought, “Hey, why not?!” and told her to fire away. Here it is:
1) Did you and Andy choose Noah and Caden’s names together or did one of you win out over the other? Did you always know what you wanted to name your kids?
I’ll answer the second question first-NO. I have friends who were set on names when they were dating, and I used to have a favorite girl name (will I ever need to worry about that???). But we weren’t like that. We decided to find out what we were having when I was pregnant with Noah, so we knew to focus on boys names. I remember going on walks through our neighborhood with our (then) dog, Zoe, talking out names. We were pretty sure on the middle name right away (William, for my dad), but the first name took some work. Noah was the only boy name we could agree on. So I knew it may be a challenge if I got pregnant with another boy. Jump ahead about 2 years, and here we were with baby boy #2 in my belly, struggling with a name. Again, we were set on a middle name-this time Michael, for Andy’s dad. I had some that I really liked, that Andy really didn’t, and vice versa. We found the name “Aiden” in one of our (many) baby name books, and liked it. But then Andy came across the name “Caden” in one of the books, and it kind of stuck. With both boys, we kept the names secret between us (and my hairdresser with Noah and a few of my patients with Caden-I had to tell somebody!).
2) If you could dispense one piece of advice to a newly married woman (married to your brother, no less!) what would it be?
This is tough. No marriage is perfect, and mine is no exception. We have our struggles. We are still very much individuals, and that can lead to conflict. But we’re always a team. So I think that may be my advice, specifically to you two. My brother is the epitome (6th grade vocab word, thank you Mr. Lipski!) of “individual.” I would hate to see him lose that. And from what I have learned of you, Catheroo, you are quite an individual yourself-and I mean that in the best way possible. So don’t forget about yourself. But always remember that there are two of you traveling this path together, and you’re going to have to rely on each other the whole way. At my wedding, my minister made a similar point, that most of the time it will be 50-50. But there will be times when it is 60-40, or 80-20, or even 100-0. But you’re still a team. (Whoa, that got deep! Now onto more fun stuff!)
3) Next time you come to California, what do you want to do/where do you want to go?
Well, an obvious may be Disneyland-with or without my kids! But we may need to stick to the San Fran area, so I came up with a few more realistic options:
- Napa-I went with Matte, but I was 3 months pregnant and couldn’t partake in the tastings!
- An A’s game with Suzie-‘nuf said.
- The beach-not to swim, but to sit, with my eyes closed, in the sun, listening to the surf.
- Any of Mathy’s favorite hangouts/pastimes
4) What do you want for your birthday?
I originally wanted a Coach purse. But then my brother and his (at the time) girlfriend showed up with their great Nikon digital SLR cameras and I found a new love. So I’m hoping for donations to the “Saj really wants a Nikon d40 for her birthday” fund!
5) What daredevil stunt or rebellious act have you never tried but kinda sorta want to?
This is a good question for me, because most of my friends would probably not use the terms “rebellious” or “daredevil” to describe me! But I’ve had a thing for skydiving since I saw Point Break (minus the former President masks). I’d also really like a tattoo, but I’ve never really come up with anything I want permanently imprinted onto my body.
There you have it. I hope you all learned a bit more about me, even my close friends and family! This made me realize we need to spend some more time together, Catheroo!
If you would like to play, leave me a comment asking me to interview you. Here are the specifics:
1. Leave me a comment saying “Interview me.â€
2. I will email you five questions, so be sure to leave your email address in the little box when you leave a comment. Or email me if you don’t want your address published. Or just comment because I probably already have your email! I get to pick the questions, but they won’t involve anything you wouldn’t want to admit.
3. Update your blog (if you have one) with a post containing your answers to my questions or send an email to your friends/family.
4. Include this here explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment/reply asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Etc, etc, etc…