
April 2010

Happy half-birthday, Noah!!!***

Yes, we celebrate half-birthdays in our family. I grew up celebrating my half-birthday (which was last Friday by the way). My best friend’s mom used to make half cakes for us! I like celebrating them for my boys in particular, because they both have birthdays near the end of the year, quite close to Christmas (especially Caden) and it’s nice to have a little celebration and a chance to give presents at a different time of the year.

When Andy called this morning (from INDIA! I hope to have pictures to post when Andy gets home next week) Noah asked him what holiday it was. So cute! I sent Noah off to school, and Caden and I spent time this morning making a half-birthday cake.

Caden making cake
(He’s still in his jammies in the shot because he spent a few hours feeling sick this morning.)

We enjoyed dinner at McDonald’s with Grandma and Grandpa before we all headed to the book fair at Noah’s school where the boys each chose two books to buy. Noah really wanted the Lego Star Wars Visual Dictionary, but I made him make a different choice. The reason? I bought him that same book for his half-birthday present!


After the book fair, we all came back home to enjoy Noah’s half-cake.

Half-birthday cake

Happy half-birthday Noah!

Blowing out the candles

Getting a little help

It was a fun evening!

***It’s also my dad’s birthday today! We had to cancel our lunch plans because Caden was sick this morning. Sorry, Daddy, to put you on the back-burner for the day! I’ll get you tomorrow! I’m looking forward to spice cake and penuche frosting!

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