To the parents of the little boy (who was with his grandfather) who threw a ROCK at Noah’s HEAD today at the park: maybe some socialization and EMPATHY skills are in order. Kid, when we’re talking about taking Noah to urgent care to get it checked out, no, we’re probably NOT going to make it back to the park today, m’kay? Oh, and while we’re using the first aid kit to clean the cut and stop the bleeding, it would probably be best not to play with the kit and pull out the emergency whistle and start blowing it. Just a suggestion.
(Noah is doing just fine. No stitches needed. It was a pretty superficial cut and just needed to be cleaned and doused with some antibiotic ointment. We actually made our way to another park this evening to meet friends for a picnic dinner. What a trooper!)
Noah, your Nana is appalled at the behavior of that little boy! I bet you were very brave at Urgent Care and hope that you are feeling peachy now. Looks like your green shirt will need some of Mom’s magic spray to clean it.
Lots of love to you.