
February 2010

Another sick kid

It’s Caden’s turn this time. He seemed perfectly fine to me this morning. Got up, came downstairs, ate breakfast, ran around crazy with Noah upstairs, watched TV while I showered (yes, I let the TV babysit my kids, so sue me!), just having a chill out morning. My mom called to say she’s home sick with a stomach bug, trying not to throw up again. I asked if she needed anything from the store since Caden and I would be heading out for a couple of errands momentarily. She said no, and we hung up.

Not five minutes later, Caden starts coughing, then making that unmistakable noise of retching. He proceeded to throw up on the ottoman, chair, and carpet. Poor thing! I got everything cleaned up, then called Andy to fill him in on the excitement around here. He let me know that when Caden first sat down at the table for breakfast, he just sort of looked at Andy instead of diving into his cereal. But then he ate, so Andy didn’t think anything of it. Well, maybe we should have made something of it.

So here’s what we did this morning after we established he’s sick (between throwing up more):

Caden is sick-again

Caden is sick-again

Caden is sick-again

Caden is sick-again

In the first three shots, he’s watching Diego or Backyardigans. He fell asleep on the chair at about 12:15. I took him upstairs to his bed, and he’s still sleeping at 2:30. Well, he woke twice to throw up, but goes back to sleep. I hope he feels better soon! I’m tired of getting stomach bugs around here!

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