
January 2010

Lego night

Noah and Caden spend a lot of time studying the instruction booklets that come with the Lego sets Noah has gotten. They like to look at the other sets you can buy. This afternoon, Noah insisted we go out to buy him the Lego “Echo Base” set. I reminded him that he had received money […]

You Capture: Color

This week’s challenge is a great one. Color. I love color. We were at the Milwaukee Art Museum this past Sunday and I found myself surrounded by color. And I found myself appreciating our art museum just a little bit more. (Hang in there: there are a LOT of pictures!)

January 27th, 2010 | Category: Awesome, Fun stuff, Photography, You Capture | 16 comments - (Comments are closed)

Diptych #3::Yellow

Catheroo had a great yellow subject for our diptych this week. She and my brother, (e), have an awesome lemon tree in the backyard. My brother went out to pick the lemons off of the tree because they were getting weighed down by all of the crazy rain they’ve been getting. He picked three buckets […]

You Capture: Love Around Your Home

The assignment given to us by Beth for this week was to find love around our homes. We were to capture what we love, what gives us joy as we look around our home. Here’s what I found.

We had this bulletin board for a while, and finally Andy wanted […]

Diptych #2::Orange

Color number 2 in the rainbow: orange.

Here’s Catheroo’s orange shot:

And here’s mine:

Yellow is next!


Shots of the yard

We spent some time over at Andy’s parents’ house today. They live on 10 acres and have great wildlife out there. I think I saw 3 or 4 blue jays coming to their bird feeder. And there are deer tracks all over their backyard. See? (This is my shot for today for Project 365, btw.)


Thanks Mathy!

Yesterday, a couple of boxes were left in our front door. The return address was for the Brewers. My brother and sister-in-law, lovingly called Mathy, enrolled the boys in the Brewers Kids Club for their birthdays. The enrollment package arrived yesterday and included the following:

*A hat *A wristband *A piggy bank *A neck lanyard […]

You Capture: Your Winter

It should be fun to see what everyone comes up with for this week’s You Capture theme. See, Beth is really popular in many areas of the country (and probably the world!) and not everyone lives in a snowy winter wonderland like I do here in Wisconsin. But this is what we’ve […]

Diptych #1::Red

My wonderful sister-in-law, Catheroo, and I have embarked on this Project 365 together. It’s so nice to have someone along on the journey, and to have someone who can kick me in the ass motivate me to keep up with the challenge. And seeing as how we live 2000 miles apart, it’s fun to find […]

Sledding in the yard

We got about 8 or 9 inches of snow yesterday. Add that to the several inches that were still on the ground from our snowstorm a month ago and that leaves a good base on the ground. When Andy plowed the driveway yesterday, he made a huge pile of snow in our front yard so […]