
December 2009

Advent Activities-Day 3

I read an article in a magazine about a family that comes up with holiday-related activities for days leading up to Christmas, starting on December 1. They put them in pockets on their hanging Advent calendar. I thought it sounded really fun. I love the idea of starting a tradition like this in our family. So I devised my plan.

Since we don’t currently have a nice Advent calendar (though I’ve always wanted a good quality one), I had to come up with another option. I found an idea online that made envelopes to hang on the wall. I didn’t have time to make envelopes, but I found nice holiday-themed scrapbooking paper and made little cards, dated them, and pasted one activity on each card. I then tacked them to the wall in the shape of a Christmas tree, using poster putty. See?

advent activity calendar

Our first day, Tuesday, involved decorating the tree. Yesterday, we shopped for “The Giving Tree”. We picked a tag from a tree at church that had the name of a local foster child, their age, and their wish list. We picked a 9-year-old girl who asked for Saucer Scramble, so we headed out to Wal-Mart to pick one up.
Today, our activity was to make paper snowflakes. Fun!

noah cut2 noah cut

noah cut hands

caden daddy cut caden first snowflake

caden daddy snowflake caden snowflake peek

boys mommy snowflakes

boys mommy

Tomorrow, we watch “Home Alone”! Should be fun!


In other news, I WON! I won the Tiny Prints giveaway Beth was holding! I can’t wait to put together our card for this year!

3 comments to Advent Activities-Day 3

  • Liz P

    What a great idea. I LOVE this!!!!! You’re so crafty!!! Do you love Christmas as much as Andy does?!? 🙂 Congrats on winning that contest, too. I can’t wait to see your cards. It’s your lucky year!!

  • Chris

    WoW you are the winningest gal this year! That big lucky star shines bright at the hoffman house! and you should submit this idea to something like woman’s day… they pay for ideas, it think! it’s not only clever but, well, really attractive! nice job.

  • i love that advent calendar — it’s so gorgeous!!

    and congrats on the contest – i squee’d when i saw your name on her post 🙂