
November 2009

I don’t get it

I didn’t read the “Twilight” books. I never had any interest in them. I’m not really into the vampire thing. I didn’t really like “Interview With a Vampire”, and the Count on Sesame Street always kind of bugged me. I think I heard some people comparing them to Harry Potter, but I don’t see much of a comparison there. My friends who have read the series give mixed reviews.

So I’ve been somewhat perplexed by the hype over “New Moon”. There’s stuff everywhere about it! About half of the blogs I read have had some sort of post about it. There’s the whole “Team Jacob” vs. “Team Edward” thing (I just had to look that up to remember the names!). The actors have been making their way through the press circuit. And when I drove past the local theater tonight, I saw more cars in the parking lot than ever before. Even Noah commented on it-“Whoa! There must be a movie a lot of people want to see at the movie theater.”

I was actually only one degree of separation away from “Jacob”, Taylor Lautner (who is reportedly dating Taylor Swift, who I think is a terrible live performer! That’s a whole other post!). I met his grandfather in the hospital. He was extremely proud of his grandson. I wasn’t really sure who he was-it was pre-“Twilight”.

Anyway, I’m having a hard time understanding the excitement this weekend. But to each their own. Andy and I don’t get out much to see movies, so we have to be pretty picky about what we see. And I’ve learned that I don’t want to waste time reading books or watching movies that don’t interest me. There are too many books to read and too many movies to see that interest me much more. So just tell me how the series ends, and let’s get on with life. Or better yet, don’t tell me, because I really know nothing about it all!

3 comments to I don’t get it

  • I don’t get it either. I read the first book to see what the fuss was about but I didn’t like it. I’ve not seen any of the movies, but many of my friends are in serious love with Edward.

    I’ll have to tell them all that I am 4 degrees of separation from Rob Patz though, thanks to you!

  • Lisa McC

    I read all of the books because we did it for our book club. I think that I was the only one that really didn’t love the books. They are quick reads, but I couldn’t get into the whole story line. Most of the other girls loved the books. I think the hype was too big about the books for me to love them.

  • Jen

    For me, the book captures that rush of being in love for the first time. I wouldn’t say that they are written that well and there were definitely elements that annoyed me, but I loved the way Stephenie Meyer tells the story. You really get lost in the story like no other book I’ve ever read. As far as the whole vampire thing, I’ve never been into that genre before either (never watched Buffy, didn’t like Interview w/ a Vampire, etc..) but I got totally sucked into this series. I think it is because the way she writes it makes you feel like it could really happen rather than it being total fantasy.

    With all that said, I doubt that they would live up to the hype at this point, but if you change your mind and decide to read them definitely let me know what you think.