I really wasn’t sure if I felt like participating this week. I’ve been sick, so I’m just not up to full speed. Then I thought about the assignment, Technology, a little more, and realized I had a good idea.
I watch a lot of TV. A. LOT. I like it, okay? And ever since the advent of the DVR, I’ve been able to enjoy that much more!
My busiest TV night is Thursday. Here’s what my DVR looks like-in two shots because all of the recordings don’t fit on one screen!
I loves me some technology. What did we do before DVR??? Oh yeah, there were a lot of VHS tapes laying around.
Go over to Beth’s to see other techy stuff.
Yes, and the effort it took to program the VCR just to record one show was almost more than it was worth! Remember that? Having to enter the channel, the beginning time, the ending time? Ugh!! Hope you feel better soon!
Yay! It’s Thursday! Lots of great shows!
DVR’s are one tech I haven’t delved into yet. I’m afraid I won’t have any time to sleep if I do! Nice pictures, it’s hard to get a screen to show up well sometimes : )
Love Thursday nights!…..especially The Office, my favorite 🙂
Hey! A fellow Wisconsin mama! Your header gave it away. 🙂 Nice captures,too.
I LOVE the DVR, even though before we had one I couldn’t understand why we needed one. Now I can’t imagine not having it!
Gonna be “taping” Grey’s tonight too! LOL!
I agree! TiVo and DVR are one of the best inventions ever. 🙂
I’m still in the dark ages. That looks like a great way to view.
Who ever invented the DVR should never have to work again! How do you like Flashforward? We’ve been saving it up for a binge, but I read the book a long time ago. We were without our DVR for a while and I tried to explain old-fashioned TV to my kids and they just don’t get it. What do you mean my show is not on now? And you can’t pause it?
been there, done the video tape thing – lol! great pictures and cool choice of technology :O)
i didn’t post this week, but feel free to come on over anytime and visit me in The Shadow of the Cross :O).