
September 2009

First day of school!

We made it! Noah had his first full day of kindergarten today. And he was a total rock star! I was a wreck (thank goodness big sunglasses are in style and it was sunny today!), but he was a champ! I’m really proud of him.


We made sure we were up and ready early enough to have been ready to take the bus. We saw it stop at the corner, right on time. But today Andy and I took him to school for “Tears and Cheers.” All of the kindergarten parents are encouraged to bring their kids to school, hang out on the playground, then give one last wave, blow one last kiss, and watch the kids go into the school. It was cute to watch the kids, all loaded down with giant backpacks (I remember when I was that age I had to use a school bag, not a backpack, and I was really bummed! But it was a cute school bag! I should get that picture of me from my first day of kindergarten from my mom. I was pretty cute!), lining up and walking into the school. Very grown-up!

I then rushed off to work-a very helpful distraction today! But I kept looking at the clock, waiting for 3:00 when I was done to get home in time to meet the bus. The bus was supposed to drop Noah off at 4:01, but didn’t get to the stop until about 4:10. (We took some silly pictures while we were waiting!) I was really excited to see him! He was all smiles when he got off the bus. He had a great first day.

boys first day family first day

noah maddie noah and cousins

lego shirt lining up

class lining up school hallway

I love this shot!
noah wave

caden daddy wait funny shadow

cool reflection school bus

off the bus

We celebrated with dinner at TGI Friday’s with Nana, Boppa, Grandma, Grandpa, Chuck and Sara, and Lizzy and Dan. It was a great day! One down, 179 to go!

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