

We’ve lived in our house for a little over 4 years, and we really haven’t gotten to know our neighbors very well. We know our neighbors on either side of us, and we know two of the neighbors across the street. I actually work with a different neighbor across the street. But we live on a quiet street, and we don’t really know anyone else. We say hi to them as they walk past if we’re out playing in the front yard. Sometimes, I have to remind the boys to not talk to everyone that goes past unless a grown-up is there to say it’s okay.

Tonight, the boys were cruising around on their scooters in the driveway, Andy was mowing the lawn, and I was reading my book (Little Earthquakes by Jennifer Weiner-read it). A neighbor from way down at the end of our street was passing by as he walked his sweet little dog. I see him out walking with his wife and the dog at times, or just his wife with the dog. They’re a very nice couple.

In fact, they’re so nice, the man carries Dum-Dum suckers and dog treats in his pocket to hand out to kids or dogs, respectively.

boys suckers

Lucky kids! (and dogs!)


After Andy was done mowing the lawn, he used the trimmer to edge along the driveway. Then he took out the big broom to sweep the grass clippings back into the yard. Caden decided to help-by blowing on the clippings.

caden help1 caden help2

1 comment to Neighbors

  • how fun!! we have great neighbors in our neighborhood, too.

    unfortunately, we’re not in our front yard very much b/c it’s super sloped – my husband didn’t think of future kids when he bought the house, lol.