
You Capture: You


Well, it’s not really you “you”. It’s really me. Yup. Beth wanted us to capture ourselves. I’m not really excited about this challenge, but I’ll do it for Beth!

I actually thought ahead a little bit with this one. See, after I chopped my hair off last summer to donate to Children with Hairloss, I discovered that my hair has some curl to it. I’ve been enjoying allowing my hair to air-dry in a curly/wavy state (with some assistance from some hair goop), significantly cutting my prep time in the morning. I can even get away with not washing my hair every day when I wear it curly/wavy! And during those humid days that we had in Florida in June and the humid days we usually get around here during the summer (though we haven’t had as many as normal), it’s a god-send, because my hair goes wonky anyway.

But I do still like wearing my hair straight. It takes some blow drying (with some assistance from some hair goop) and some brushing, but it works out pretty well. I don’t usually take the time to flat-iron it, which really makes it look the best, but it’s okay.

So yesterday I took the time to blow-dry my hair. And today I wore it curly/wavy*. What do you think?

Straight Saj

Curly Saj

*This shot is after working in the morning, and just pushing it behind my ears a lot. And I probably should have used a remote or something-this angle is weird!

Check out other posts at I Should Be Folding Laundry.

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