So it’s only the third day of NaBloPoMo and I’m so exhausted right now, I’m not so excited about blogging. Don’t ask me why I’m exhausted, I don’t know. I went to bed at a reasonable hour last night, got up to Shred with Jillian Michaels this morning (I’m gonna be sore!), I worked a full day, and then I’ve been lounging since I got home. I think my morning at work made me think so much that it took a lot out of me! I was at the outpatient clinic, where I haven’t been in over a month. I think it was just challenging my brain a bit more than it’s been challenged lately!
Anyway, I also said I’d post a daily photo, so I’m gonna post an old one, because I didn’t really have a chance to take pictures today (I think it’s frowned upon in the hospital!).
Oh! After looking at my old pictures, I decided to fill you all in on our latest home problem (not that we have a lot!). The other night a man came to our front door, introduced himself as our backyard neighbor, then proceeded to let us know about two trees that are on the verge of falling over, one directly on top of our electrical box in the back yard! Since we haven’t had rain in about 8 years, the lawn hasn’t needed mowing, so Andy hasn’t been back that far in the yard. Goodness knows I don’t do a lot of outdoor stuff, so there was no way I’d notice it!
Anyway, here are the trees. They’re apparently poplars, or cottonwoods (I had no idea!). You can see one tipping to the left, and one to the right. They have light bark.
Here’s the one that would end up on the electrical box (this picture was taken with a straight horizon!):
That one is anchored to a healthy tree with a long extension cord so it hopefully will hold should it really fall. Dr. Treevorkian (no joke-that’s what he calls himself!) will be here in the next couple of days to take care of the trees. Kind of a pain in the butt, and an unexpected expense, but that’s the joy of home ownership!