Okay, I’m gonna go out there and say I’m trying NaBloPoMo again this month. 31 days, 31 posts. We’ll see how it goes. I’ll try to keep it somewhat interesting!
I was reading a post by Beth at I Should Be Folding Laundry and realizing I’m feeling like she is right now-uninspired. It may be on a different level, but I’ve been uninspired to blog, take pictures, or initiate any get-togethers lately. Beth has been uninspired in terms of her photography. Now Beth is a professional photographer, and I can only hope to get to her level at some point in my life! But I like taking pictures normally, I LOVE my camera, and I triple-heart-LOVE my kids and taking their pictures, so I thought her new challenge to herself sounded good to me.
She has decided to post a picture every day. Since I’m going to try NaBloPoMo again this month, I figured I could do double-duty with it. So here I am with some pictures from today. The lighting was pretty good this afternoon as I sat in the front yard watching the boys play golf, football, and ride their scooters and bikes. I felt pretty inspired.
It was really fun to watch them play football together. I’ve never really seen them play like that before. We do play “tackle” in the living room, but there’s a lot more room out in the front yard! Just the beginning of times to come!
Good luck with NaBloPoMo!
I’m glad so many of the blogs I read are doing a daily photo post — I LOVE your photos and cannot wait to see more!! 🙂