
The project starts

For about the last two years, I’ve wanted to make a cornice board/box valence-type-thing for our patio doors in our kitchen. We have vertical blinds on the door, and they’re sort of unsightly at the top, so I’ve been meaning to cover that top part up.

Today I got serious.

Armed and ready


Don’t I look like a natural? (Never mind in the second one I’m not really cutting, which is obvious since my finger isn’t on the trigger! Andy was a little nervous about not being close-by when I started cutting!)

Here’s the almost-finished product.

Almost done

Almost done

More pictures to come!


“Africa” by Toto came on our TV digital music player, and Andy cranked it. I told Noah it’s an awesome song. He asked me what’s so awesome about it. Um, really? Just LISTEN to it!

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