
July 2009

You Capture: Friends

Friends. We’ve been with friends in the past week. I just didn’t take any pictures. I really didn’t take too many pictures at all lately. I don’t know why. Whatever.

So I went through some of our activities from the summer, and decided to include a few from […]


Peanuts, that is. Yeah, those tasty things that are so fun to crack open at baseball games, dropping the shells on the ground and eating the crunchy, salty goodness inside. Those things that make such a yummy, smooth, delectable spread that tastes good on bread, toast, celery, apples, bananas, and blueberry bagels as my hubby […]

You Capture: Black and White

This week we were given the assignment of having fun with our processing. It was time to play around and make some pictures black and white. I’ve been taking a lot of pictures lately that I didn’t think should be put into black and white because the colors are so vivid. Here’s […]

You Capture: Shapes

I wasn’t sure if I was going to participate in Beth’s assignment this week. I wasn’t sure I could come up with something for the challenge. But then I remembered this sweet pooch from Bastille Days last weekend.

Meet Sophie. Look at her unique marking on her side.

I […]

A really fun day

***Warning! Numerous photos in the following post! Proceed at your own risk!***

This morning, we ventured out with my parents to Veteran’s Park in downtown Milwaukee to check out the Circus Parade Festival. The Circus Parade used to be an annual event, then took a pretty long hiatus, and is back this year. It’s happening […]

You Capture: Independence Day and Food

Oh. I just realized that the assignment this week also included food. Hmm. I have plenty of pictures from Independence Day, and plenty of food was eaten. I just didn’t get pictures of it. But I have pictures of the boys at the parade, where they ate their fair share […]

You Capture: Photographer’s Choice

After a couple of weeks off, and many days of no blogging, I’m back! Seeing as we were on a CRAZY COOL trip last week, I think I have an excuse!

This week’s challenge from Beth at I Should Be Folding Laundry was “photographer’s choice.” My choice is to share some shots […]