Today is my anniversary. Yep, I got married 8 years ago to my crazy, wonderful, loving husband. We’ve known each other for closer to 23 years, having met in the 3rd grade! We were high school sweethearts, with a couple of breaks during college. But we pulled through, and now we have a great life with two amazing boys to show for it!
So Happy Anniversary to my sweetie! I love you more and more each day!
Enjoy these pictures. I’m too lazy to scan in our professional shots. These are from my brother’s camera-I think my dad was taking the pictures since my brother is in several of them!
On the Zoomobile-a tram-like vehicle that takes people on tours of the zoo.
We crammed onto the carousel for this shot.
The whole group by “Monkey Island”
Yes, we had our reception at the zoo. Yes, it was in the monkey house (technically). Yes, it was about 50 degrees that day (and my mom spent time that morning running around to find me a wrap for over my dress!). And yes, it was the best wedding we’ve ever been to-and we went to 9 that year alone!
Many great memories from that day! Happy 8th!
Happy anniversary! That really was a fun day!!! 🙂 Did you guys go to the zoo to celebrate, as usual?!?