
May 2009

You Capture: Family


It’s Thursday again, and that can only mean it’s “You Capture” time! This week’s theme from Beth at I Should Be Folding Laundry was “Family”. It was a great weekend for it, since it was the holiday, and we spent some time with our families.

Grandma and Grandpa with the boys

Nana and Boppa with the boys

Auntie Lizzy with the boys

Silly Lizzy and boys

Of course, I didn’t get a family picture of us, because I didn’t want to take the time to set it up and use the remote. Here’s a picture I posted a few weeks ago from a Brewer game:

family game1

We had our parents and Andy’s sister over for dinner on Monday night (Memorial Day), and after we stuffed ourselves on brats, corn on the cob, cantaloupe and watermelon, carrots, chips, hummus, brownies, cookies, and cookies-n-cream ice cream, we decided to battle it out in a game of spoons. If you don’t know, spoons is a card game where you’re trying to get four of a kind, while passing cards around in a circle. Once you get four of a kind, you take a spoon from the middle of the table. But it’s like musical chairs where there is one less spoon than there are people, so one person misses out on grabbing a spoon. It’s very fun, and can get kind of heated (as you can see by the pictures)! (If you click on any of them, it will take you to my Flickr page where you can see some notes I put on the pictures.)

Spoons Spoons

Noah and my mom had an unfair advantage because she would watch the cards while Noah could watch for someone grabbing a spoon!
Noah got it!

Make note of Andy’s dad reaching across the table to make it harder for others to grab a spoon!

Notice the flying spoon because Andy’s mom was trying so hard to grab it! And Noah’s face is fun, too!

Don’t mess with Lizzy! She’s looking at Andy in this shot!
Don't mess!

I love how my mom and Noah have no idea what’s going on, and Caden is giving the thumbs up about the sticker on his arm!

It was a really fun night! I hope we get to do it again and again!

Check out some other family shots here.

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