
April 2009

Random thoughts

So I’m laying here on the sofa, just thinking about some things. Here they are:

Dancing with the Stars
*My boys like to watch this with me. I’m often jealous of (almost) every single friend of mine because they have at least one girl. But when my boys get excited about watching “American Idol” or “Dancing with the Stars”, I realize they can enjoy some of the same things as me that aren’t sports-related. (I also wasn’t too jealous of my friends with girls when I walked into Justice to buy a birthday present for my goddaughter. It looked like a gumball machine had exploded everywhere, and I think “High School Musical” was playing over the speakers, and I was in total sensory overload!)
*Back to DWTS-I can’t believe I’m totally into it! I was really freaking out tonight thinking Melissa was going to be eliminated. I voted for her 5 times last night, so I did my part! Okay, I’m pathetic.

*I did my second day of Level 3 today, and I have sore muscles in places I didn’t realize I had muscles (and I’m a PT, so I know about muscles!). My sides are super sore after side plank raises. But I like this level. I like the challenge. Not too much longer to go!

Swine flu
*This morning I heard there were two suspected cases at our hospital. I left the hospital today to find one of our local news trucks parked in the parking lot out front. I haven’t heard any more about it, but I’m hoping the news truck was there just to report on the suspected cases. I admit, I was a little nervous working with one of my patients who had been running a temp and wasn’t feeling all that well. There’s plenty of that anti-viral stuff, right?

*As I lay here on the sofa, I’m surrounded by papers: old magazines, articles I’ve pulled out of magazines, newspaper articles, mail, AT&T U-verse information (should we switch? I don’t know!), and my “Angels & Demons” book that I’m trying to finish quickly so my parents can read it before the movie comes out. I tend to save a lot of stuff that I think I’ll look at again, and then I never do. I’m a pack rat, what can I say.

*Last week we got a call saying a spot had opened up in “Little Kickers” for Caden because a little girl broke her leg. Sorry for the little girl, but I was excited Caden would be able to play soccer for a few weeks. The first class was last Thursday, which turned out to be a rainy, fairly cold day around here. But there is no mercy for 3-4 year olds who are trying to learn how to play soccer! They played in a nice drizzle, with gusts of pretty cold air. Caden lasted about 38 minutes (of 45) then ran over to me, complained of being cold, then continued to cry as I tried to get him to finish out the class. I may be the worst mother in the world, but he’s got to learn! Soccer in Wisconsin can be pretty darn cold and wet at times. Get used to it!

caden soccer1 caden soccer3 caden soccer2 caden soccer4 caden soccer5

*I finally got the boys signed up for swimming lessons. Their first one was last night. It was really fun to watch them. The parents sit on the other side of a window from the kids. Caden and Noah are in different classes, and I think that’s good for them. Caden’s class only had one other boy in it, while Noah’s had two other boys in it. Caden didn’t want to wear the goggles and also wouldn’t put his face in the water. I’ll work on getting him some goggles that work. Noah loved the goggles (they were green-his current favorite color) and was underwater within the first minute of being there. At the end of class, they each got to go down the water slide. There’s hope for a trip to the waterpark soon! I’ll try to get some pictures one of these times.

Random pics
*Here are some pictures from the past week or so. The pictures of the boys in shorts was the day after Caden’s frigid soccer practice. Crazy Wisconsin weather!

western day caden warm day noah warm day mama boys emergency boys

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