
Krazy Kid Kwotes

A few days ago, I discovered yet another pair of Noah’s jeans were on the verge of tearing at the knee. Seriously?! Anyway, I said something to Noah about it, and he said, “I’m a knee holer!” No kidding.


The other day, it was pretty sunny and the sun was shining in through our living room windows. Caden all of a sudden said, “Sun fuzzies!” Yep, plenty of dust flying through the air, getting caught in the rays of sun shining in. I like the idea of “sun fuzzies” rather than excessive dust!

1 comment to Krazy Kid Kwotes

  • Ha! Eamon’s a “knee holer” too. It drives me nuts. I finally get him a pair fo jeans that aren’t floods, and he goes and rips holes in them. Boys!