
You Capture-Shadows


So this week, I kind of cheated. And Beth, the assigner, specifically said we’re supposed to “break out our camera and take pictures based on the assignment.” So I feel a little guilty. The assignment was shadows and as soon as I saw the assignment, I knew the picture I wanted to use.

noah balloon shadow

I took this in June of 2007, with my point-and-shoot camera (pre-Nikon days). I specifically was drawn to take the picture because of the color of the balloon showing up in its shadow. If you look closely, you can see the emblem of Andy’s company on the balloon. We were at the summer picnic.

Sorry for cheating! But I really love this shot! I did take a few pictures of shadows while the boys were on their scooters the other day, but I liked this one best.


Remember this post? Yeah, so I called the lady at the school district today (I tried yesterday afternoon, but I think she was gone), and she’s out of the office until Friday! Seriously?! Doesn’t she know what a HUGE deal this is? Maybe that’s why she takes a couple of days off… Anyway, still waiting around here!

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