So as of February 17 of this year, we were supposed to be all digital for our TV signals. All of those people out there with TVs older than dirt were supposed to get one of those converters that they could get for like 10 cents with some voucher coupon thing.
Then Congress decided this was a crucially important problem that warranted legal action to postpone the transition because
(Granted, I tend to feel TV is a necessity of sorts, but that’s beside the point because I’m ready for this analog to digital conversion.)
Anyway, I’m getting tired of the commercials telling us to go out to get the converter box, and the commercial with news people from each major local station telling us to go out to get the converter box, and the scroll at the bottom of the TV every so often telling us to go out to get the converter box. Enough already! If you don’t have the converter box yet, after being told about it months and months ago, too bad for you! Listen to the radio!