
Saturday morning fun

This morning, Andy and Noah got out the dominoes. They built a line to knock over, then Noah headed upstairs to get dressed. This is how I found Andy and Caden a few minutes later.
daddy building not too close

We kept telling Caden to not get too close and to wait for Noah. He was quite patient.
I love this shot!
cute caden

Noah finally came downstairs. He had a harder time waiting!
waiting1 noah waiting

Finally, Caden started it:
dominoes1 dominoes2
Then it got stuck:
So Caden decided to help it out:

Next it was Caden’s turn to get dressed. I was in the office, when suddenly Caden appeared in the doorway like this:
caden undies full (I blurred his privates, though he’s covering them pretty well!)
Too funny!
caden undies daddy caden undies close


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