
I can’t stop watching!

I’ve been reading “spoilers” from Reality Steve and others about tonight’s finale of “The Bachelor” and I was really torn about watching. But I think it’s like a train wreck that you just keep watching, waiting for the carnage. More later…


Just read Dooce and she had this video clip posted, and it made me laugh out loud, so I wanted to share it with both of you guys out there reading this right now. Enjoy!


OMG, Jason’s face when Deanna starts talking to him about how he has all of the things she’s looking for in a man-AWESOME! It’s an obvious surprise, and I don’t think you could have practiced that face he made!

And I can’t believe I’m actually feeling nervous just before Jason proposes! (I’m about 40 minutes behind “live”.) I think it’s because I know what is going to happen. We’ll see how it goes…

Molly was totally challenging him, and I wonder if Jason really started to second-guess himself then, or if it took a few days. And have you ever seen any other Bachelor or Bachelorette cry like a baby after letting the runner-up go? Seriously! How long did it take for him to compose himself after letting Molly go? I guess he started second-guessing as soon as she walked out the door! And he looks a little uncomfortable as she’s gushing on about how much she loves him…

Now onto “After the Final Rose”…

Do you think people had tickets to ATFR, then had to give them back because of the “intimate” nature of the whole thing?

At least he didn’t completely blindside Melissa. He claims she knew before ATFR that his feelings have changed.

Do you think the producers have been high-fiving each other after finding out Jason’s feelings changed?

Whoa, that greeting was cold! I can’t tell if Melissa’s wearing the engagement ring… Oh wait, she’s not. Ooooh, she’s pissed! You can’t blame her! And how uncomfortable is Chris Harrison right now? Do you think he snuck off the set? Oh, there he is, with the signal from the producer that they have to cut to commercial. And now he sees his escape route! I bet Jason wishes he were going with him! “Hey, Chris, buddy! Wait up!”

Melissa was a lot stronger than I could have been.

Don’t you think Molly’s suspicious about the lack of audience members? What did they tell her?

I like Molly more tonight than I ever have. She’s pretty classy. And very well-spoken. I think I’d be a stuttering mess if I were in her shoes.

Smooth, Chris Harrison, smooth. “What if Jason changed his mind?” Real subtle. Do you think he’s all giddy that they’re about to reunite?

As he walks in, I think Jason’s about to jump out of his skin! Or he’s hoping Molly will jump out of her dress!

Whew, thanks, Chris, for saving Jason during his awkward stuttering!

Jason just spilled the beans. Uh, whaaa???? Molly just gave Chris a look like, “Am I on Candid Camera? WTF?!?!?!?!?!?” Um, coffee, Jason? Seriously? Nice.

Okay, if I were Molly, I’d be like, “Get the damn camera out of my face, and let me go burn off some of this awkward steam!” I love her reaction!

Suddenly, they’re touching. Her hand is on his thigh. I think she’s waking up a bit. Just “a piece” of Molly is confused? I’d call it more of a whole section!

Should they really be kissing? It seems a bit tacky. I’m surprised at how easy it is for Molly to just take him back. But I guess she really never got over him. They’re kissing again.

I’m realizing most of this doesn’t make sense-I was commenting as I watched. But if any of you are die-hard fans, and watched the show, you’ll understand much of it!


3 comments to I can’t stop watching!

  • Liz P

    I came across the Reality Steve stuff a few weeks ago, too, and he was right. Do you think that the producers put Jason up to this knowing that he really wanted to be with Molly in the end? I think it was inappropriate that Jason and Molly were kissing, too. Didn’t she think it was strange that Chris Harrison was asking her what she would do if Jason changed his mind? I don’t think they’ve ever asked the runner-up that question before. Anyway…I shouldn’t think so much about “reality” TV!!!

  • Lisa McC

    Chris and I watched last night. Chris got ticked at Jason and said that as a father of daughters he hopes he can weed out the jerks like this guy.

  • Lori

    We miss you at lunch Sarah! Every week, Michelle, Karyn and I have a very DEEP conversation about the complete train wreck that is the Bachelor. Sad, very sad!