
Happy Birthday, (e)!

It’s my big brother‘s birthday today! He’s been off this weekend with his wife, my wonderful SIL, touring the California coast, checking out some wineries, eating aebelskivers, getting a couple’s massage, and sleeping to the sounds of the Pacific Ocean. Not a bad way to celebrate, huh?

He’s often difficult to shop for, especially with his expensive taste in gadgets for his computer or his camera. It also gets a little old shopping for “geek” stuff. So I was at a loss as to what to give him. He helped, though, by letting me know about a game he wanted for the Wii. And I could gift it to him through our connection. It’s called “World of Goo.” I really don’t know anything about it, but it’s what he asked for and I think he’s excited to have it.

They never grow up!

Happy Birthday, Matte!!!!!!!

p.s. This is the first of my NaBloPoMo posts for March. I needed a little incentive to get blogging again, so I’m joining in. The theme is “Giving (up)” and I figured this post was appropriate for “giving.” I’ll try to keep it interesting this month.

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