
February 2009

What happened here?

I’m finally calming down. It’s amazing what DVR’d American Idol and Survivor can do for some mental health!

For Lent, I gave up raising my voice to the boys (I know, it’s really supposed to be a sacrifice of something you enjoy, and I definitely don’t enjoy raising my voice, but I do it a […]

Two a-holes in southeastern Wisconsin

This afternoon, we were driving home from Andy’s parents’ house and we observed two pretty unbelievable incidents, one more a-hole-ish than the other.

Just after we pulled out of the driveway, we saw a car coming toward us, and it looked like the driver had just opened his door-as he was driving. We then saw […]


So today, my self-esteem is a steaming pile of crap.

It started this morning at work. Last February, I joined our company “WIN” program (I think it’s for Wellness Initiative something-or-other). Today, I went in to recheck my blood work, blood pressure, weight, and checklist of other things like exercise habits, tobacco use (or lack […]

Day trippin’

A week or so ago, Andy got two tickets to the EAA AirVenture Museum in Oshkosh from a vendor he works with. We decided to make our way up to the “airplane museum” with the boys today. It was pretty cool. I’m happy we didn’t spend money on admission, as we spent most of our […]

I should post this on my bathroom mirror…

I’ve had kind of a crappy weekend.

There have been some highlights: -Zumba class with Amy and her sisters (which, thankfully, included margaritas!) -50-degree weather in February in southeast Wisconsin and a trip to the playground with the boys -a family baby shower for Andy’s cousin’s new baby where we won one of the […]

I’m published!!!

Remember a few weeks ago, when I wrote this post? Well I got the email today saying they’ve chosen my picture of the tree in the Walnut Room at Macy’s to be in the Schmap Chicago Guide!!! Needless to say, I’m pretty proud of myself! Yeah me!

Check it out!!! Walnut Room,


The great outdoors

Today, the boys and I went sledding with Noah’s friend from preschool, Nathan, his sister Teagan, and their mom, Angie (the same family we went with to the Domes). We picked up the big boys from school, had lunch at McDonald’s, then headed to the sledding hill. It’s the biggest hill the boys have ever […]