
January 2009

25 Random Things About Me

On my Facebook page, I was “tagged” to post 25 random things about me. At first it was a slightly daunting task. But once I got into it, it was sort of fun. Here’s the list:

1. I love, love, love, love, love my kids.

2. I don’t think I’m the greatest mom. I can get very frustrated, very quickly. My patience could use some work. I let them play by themselves a lot. But I’m always available to them, no matter what. And I love being a mom.

3. I’ve been to Europe three times, twice before I turned 12.

4. I’m desperate to get a tattoo, but can’t decide what design to get. I know I want it to honor my kids. Suggestions welcome!

5. My first car was a 1982 Honda Prelude that backfired and also had a sunroof that I had to crank closed.

6. I enjoy watching golf on TV, but not as much as I enjoy playing it.

7. I’m a control freak but live amid controlled clutter.

8. I sometimes wish I were more artsy. I have a ton of supplies to do a scrapbook of our family trip to Disney World two and a half years ago, but no desire/creativity to do it! And I’d love to paint, but again, no creativity. I used to think I had gotten a “gene” from my grandmother who was a wonderful artist. No such luck.

9. I love my family very much. I talk to my mom multiple times a day and she’s a great Nana to my kids. My dad is a great resource for computer issues. My brother is a total geek and proud of it, and extremely helpful with blog/photography stuff. My sister-in-law is a huge inspiration to me with her half-marathon running and her amazing photography and blogging.

10. I worry a lot about what my boys will encounter as they grow up. One of my biggest fears is bullying. Not just them being bullied, but the thought that they could be bullies! I know there’s a lot more out there that is worse, but bullying is a biggie to me right now.

11. I wish I had a reason to own an iPhone. Can’t justify it right now.

12. Andy and I met in third grade and always went to school together, all the way through college. The first time we lived in separate cities was while I was in grad school. He knows me better than I know myself, and I love that about him.

13. If I could live anywhere, I’d probably still choose Wisconsin. Crazy, I know, but I like having four seasons! But I’d spend more time where it’s warm during the winter months.

14. If I could vacation anywhere, I’d probably choose a Caribbean island, like St. Maarten or Turks and Caicos or something. Anywhere with sun, a beach, exotic food and drink, steel drums, and a relaxed way of life.

15. For a few weeks after Caden was born, I wasn’t sure if I liked his name. It took a while for it to grow on me.

16. When I was little, I “modeled” in a fashion show for the MACC Fund which included some Brewers, like Robin Yount and Paul Molitor.

17. If I hear the song “Dancing With Myself” by Billy Idol, I will seriously start dancing with myself if no one else is around.

18. I love taking pictures, and want to be better (maybe so I can make some money doing it!).

19. I really want to run a half-marathon, but don’t know if I’m disciplined enough to train for it, or strong enough to do it.

20. I hate birds. I don’t mind seeing them in the trees or hearing them sing (unless it’s early in the morning and they wake me up). But I can’t stand the idea of a bird for a pet and I don’t take my kids into the aviary at the zoo. My mom takes them in there! If I do go in there, I walk through as fast as possible without looking crazy and wait for them at the end.

21. I have a ginormous sweet tooth, and no real shut-off valve. I’m an impulse buyer (hence the two bags of Brach’s Jube Jel Hearts in the drawer), and have learned I can’t go shopping on an empty stomach or I’ll come out with a donut and a candy bar, and a huge sense of guilt.

22. I’m addicted to playing games. Computer games, especially. But I love Sudoku, crossword puzzles, trivia games…I want to learn to play Scrabble next!

23. I’m rarely in a bad mood. Even if I am upset about something, it’s short-lived.

24. I love to read. I have a hard time staying awake at times when I read, but I really enjoy it. I’m always looking for suggestions for good books to read.

25. I’ve learned that I don’t want to waste my time on things that don’t interest me. I don’t want to go to movies I’m not excited about. I don’t want to spend time with people or in places that aren’t stimulating to me. Life is precious and I want to spend mine with the ones I love doing things that I love.

Try it, it’s interesting what you can learn about yourself! Send me your list if you’re so inclined.

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