I’ve found my calling. I’m totally a soccer mom, and I’m not afraid to admit it!
Tonight, Noah had his first session of “Futbolito” at the local indoor soccer park. We signed up late last week, so it was sort of last-minute. But to a 5-year-old, with nothing else on the agenda but sleep, eat, play, school, eat, sleep, play, eat, play, sleep, repeat, last-minute doesn’t affect you as much.
Anyway, after picking up his t-shirt and soccer ball included in the registration, he pretty much spent the next hour moving. Literally moving the whole time. I was tired just watching him! He’d come off the field for water breaks and he barely broke a smile. I think he was really tired. But at the end, he said it was really fun, and he’s looking forward to next week because there will be candy, but he doesn’t want ice cream. Whatever that means.