For class tonight, we were supposed to research famous photographers and emulate their work. I don’t think I did a very good job, but I had fun taking pictures today. Caden and I braved the cold (and it was coooooold) to get some fun shots. I kept him amused, and warm, by having him run […]
For the past couple of months, Caden and I have spent some quality time together at a Park and Rec music class. We’re in class with the little sisters of two of Noah’s school friends. It has really been fun. One week, Caden wanted nothing to do with me because he wanted to sit by […]
I don’t mean to harp on the weather, but it’s cold today. The sun was out, but in the winter, it usually means cold. Right now, I’m laying on the couch with two blankets over me, socks and slippers on, two layers on top, and I’m still cold. My nose is really cold. A patient […]
Okay, I’ve lived in Wisconsin for 30+ years and I should be used to the crazy weather we can have around here. That doesn’t mean I have to like it. And I’m not really liking the weather today.
This past weekend was the beginning of the cold stretch we’re in. We sat in it for […]
So I started using Facebook a while ago, and I’m finding it to be a bit addictive. I became interested after my sister-in-law was talking about it. I really didn’t think I’d have much use for it, but I’m amazed at who I’ve found.
I’ve reconnected with almost every one of my (many) college roommates, […]
Today we braved the weather to take the boys to the Badger football game vs. Minnesota. It was about 38 degrees with some wind and occasional flurries. That’s pretty chilly for sitting outside at a football game! But the boys did great! And we won, which made it that much better.
Before the game, we […]
I just got back from my friend Amy’s house, having spent the evening watching “Enchanted” with her, her four-year-old daughter, Kylie, and two of Amy’s neighbors. Since I don’t have a daughter of my own, I like to use my friends’ daughters for some “girlie” time.
I’ve wanted to see “Enchanted” for a while, admittedly […]
I just got back from my photo class, and I really need to get going on my portfolio. Our final project is a portfolio that shows the type of photography we’d like to do. Our instructor wants us to put something together that we could use if we wanted to become professional photographers, which could […]
Again on the topic of Proposition 8 in California, my dear sister-in-law posted this video on her Facebook page, and my dear aunt sent me the link of Keith Olbermann commenting on Proposition 8. No offense to Catheroo and her friend Jenni, but I think Olbermann has really hit the nail on the head.
I hit my wall tonight. I’m battling yet another cold (it feels like I’ve been sick for more than a month) and I’m exhausted. I was sitting looking at a Target catalog with Caden and I started falling asleep! I’m barely keeping my eyes open right now. That’s all I have to say. Good night!