Today has been a pretty nice Sunday. Many of you may know that I often suffer from “S.A.D.” which I have renamed to “Sunday Affective Disorder.” It was especially bad in grad school when Andy lived in Appleton and I was still in Madison and we had to go our separate ways on Sundays. Now it still happens on occasion, especially after a fun-filled weekend.
Well, today was not too bad! This morning, we started by decorating our Christmas tree. Yes, our tree is up and completely decorated now. Our living room is mostly decorated too, except for the mantle as I need the greens to decorate it. The boys were dressed in their jammies and Santa hats and everyone got along very well.
After our decorating was done, I was off to Claim Jumper to meet four of my college roommates (one of whom I still see quite frequently) for lunch. We found each other on Facebook, and organized this lunch date. It had been at least 6 years since I had seen them, and it had been 7 years since we were all together, which was at my wedding! It was awesome to catch up with them, and amazing to hear what they’ve been up to. I hope we keep in touch.
After lunch, I did some Christmas, birthday, and grocery shopping, then headed home to veg out for a bit before the boys got up. While I was out, the snow started. It hasn’t stopped. After the boys’ naps, we took them outside. Andy and Noah built a snowman and we all had a snowball fight. We all did some shoveling, then we took a walk around the block, which wasn’t the best idea when the wind picked up! But it was really fun to be outside as a family, enjoying the first real snowfall of the year.
Overall, not too shabby of a day!
Oh, and today ends NaBloPoMo-I DID IT!!! I’ll let you all know if I win anything (unlikely), and I’ll try to keep up with frequent postings (slightly more likely). But don’t expect me here every day! Thanks for reading!
How in the world do you get your boys to pose like that?