Okay, I’ve lived in Wisconsin for 30+ years and I should be used to the crazy weather we can have around here. That doesn’t mean I have to like it. And I’m not really liking the weather today.
This past weekend was the beginning of the cold stretch we’re in. We sat in it for the Badger game, so I think that sort of conditioned me. It didn’t feel all that cold this morning when I went to work. It wasn’t too windy and the sun was out, so it was a decent day. About an hour after I got to the hospital, I noticed the snow flying outside. It was just light snow but it was being blown around so it looked blustery. (“Blustery” is the word meteorologists use for “friggin’ cold and windy.”) About 5 minutes later the sun came out again. A couple of hours after lunch, I was sitting in our treatment gym with a patient and it was sort of sunny again. Suddenly a huge, dark gray cloud began to pour in from the north. It almost looked like smoke. But we both knew it was a snow cloud. Ugh. Next thing you know, it’s snowing. And this time it’s sticking to cars. Double ugh. By the time I left work, the snow had stopped. I had a little snow on my windshield and some on my back window, but there wasn’t any need to scrape the car. Not that I have my scraper ready yet!
On my way to my parents’ house to pick up the boys, a large SUV was fishtailing into my lane just before I got there. So the roads were a little slick. I was still determined to work out this afternoon after being lazy this morning. I got the boys, hightailed it home, then bundled up to head out for a run. I noticed our driveway was a little slick, but the main road wasn’t too bad. I made it about a block away, then decided to turn back after slipping a few times and realizing I value my knee health. Did I mention it was dark by the time I was out running? It’s different if you can see the icy areas, but in the dark it’s all chance. I’m determined to not let this weather keep me indoors. I was not happy running on the treadmill today. Besides, I have to get myself ready for my New Year’s Eve 5K. Crazy? Yes. Fun? Definitely. I will not let this weather get the best of me!