I don’t know how many of you know this about my husband, but he LOVES Christmas. No, really. It’s his favorite time of the year. It’s nice to not live with a Scrooge, but sometimes it’s a bit much. My biggest complaint is his love of Christmas music. It has its place and time, but for me, it can start a little too early. This year, it started around noon on October 31. Yep, we hadn’t even gone trick-or-treating in my parents’ neighborhood, and the Christmas music was on the radio. There are currently 2 stations on Milwaukee radio that are playing Christmas music 24/7, with another to follow soon. Today was the first day I allowed it to be played in my presence. We had our digital cable music channel on “Sounds of the Season.” It’s on right now. The Carpenters’ “Merry Christmas Baby”- the quintessential Christmas song.
We were at the mall this morning and the Christmas decorations are up in most stores. They’re in the midst of getting the middle area ready for Santa. I imagine he’ll be there by next weekend. I bought my first Christmas present today. I suppose it’s time.