
October 2008

Happy Birthday, Noah!!!

Noah, my sweet boy, today you turned five. I can hardly believe it’s been five years since you came into our lives. I’ll use the old cliche-I can remember that day like it was yesterday! I’ve spent the day remembering what we were doing five years ago. Early this morning, I was thinking we would have just arrived at the hospital for me to be induced. Around mid-day, I was thinking of the laps I walked in the hospital, trying to get you to come out! And this evening, just before dinner, I was remembering the first time I heard you cry and the first time I saw your face. I’ve loved that face ever since.

In the past year, you’ve changed in numerous ways. You’re growing up so quickly, both physically and emotionally. You keep growing up, rather than out. Your legs are stretching, and your appetite seems to grow along with them! Boppa says you have a hollow leg, and some days I think you do! After eating a whole sandwich, some pepper slices, a big handful of grapes, a bowl of melon, and a full cup of milk, you’re still asking for more food! In the past year, you’ve become much more tolerant to trying new foods. I don’t always make things you like or are familiar with, but you’re always willing to try, though at times you need a bit more “convincing” (read: “bribery”). Your face isn’t changing as quickly as it has in the past few years, but you are looking older.

You are athletic, loving pretty much any sport, especially baseball. You got to play t-ball this summer, and loved every minute of it. 07162008 batting You know most, if not all, of the names of the players for the Brewers, and spent much of the summer watching games with Daddy in the evening. You’d cheer, scream, and get so excited when the Brewers were doing well. You tried karate last winter, and had a good time. It wasn’t the best fit for you, though. You’re so social, it was hard not to interact with the other kids as much as you’d like, since you had to “stand at attention” most of the time! Karate You also love golf, soccer, and football, especially playing “Fumble!” in the living room with Daddy and Caden. Sometimes I’d even get involved (but I’m usually taking the pictures)! tackle1 Another favorite activity with Daddy is heading to the golf course to hit some balls at the range and play a few holes, riding in the golf cart. You and Caden had swimming lessons this summer, and you started working on putting your head underwater. You’re still not much of a fan! We spent a lot of time at various parks in the area, your favorite being the “metal slide park” where you met countless “buddies” and spent all sorts of time running, swinging, sliding, spinning, and digging. We also made good use of our zoo pass (thanks Nana and Boppa!). One of your biggest accomplishments this summer was learning how to ride a bike with no training wheels! You were a little tentative at first, but with practice, you really built up your confidence. You even made it all the way to our neighborhood park! noah biking You are constantly on the move.

Emotionally, you’ve made leaps and bounds. You are still my sensitive sweetie, but much more level-headed. You are much more receptive to talking things out, much less likely to “freak out,” and much more into bargaining! You come up with lots of ideas, many of which are obviously thought out. You still love trucks and cars, and more and more love playing with space stuff. You’ve discovered the fun of computer games. Even more fun, you’ve discovered the Wii. According to Nana, Grandma, and Chuck, you are quite proficient at bowling, baseball, MarioKart and most recently, pool. This is a big reason why we are not getting a Wii at our house anytime soon! You are really fun to watch when you’re watching TV. You get so involved in the story, and often are cheering for the characters! We love having “picnics” in the living room so we can watch movies as a family. A big step you’ve made is in your reading ability. It seems like overnight you started sounding out words and reading. It probably helps that you love books. Almost every night, I find you asleep in your bed with at least 5 books by your feet. We’ll sit down to read before bed and you’ll end up reading the whole book to Caden and me! You love school, and are full of stories when you come home, mostly about the things you did outside or downstairs, and often about the things you didn’t do that day! I hope that enthusiasm for school continues!

I hope your enthusiasm for life continues. You are such a joy. You have an infectious laugh, an engaging smile, and a gregarious personality. You are empathetic, always willing to give a hug, a helping hand, or a positive word. You are a wonderful big brother. You are helpful and loving to Caden, even without me asking! Everyone who knows you is blessed to have you in their life. Your daddy and I are so very blessed to have you in our lives. I don’t remember my life before you were in it. I can’t wait to see what’s to come.

I love you, my Noah.

mcds lunch noah bday candles
family noah bday noah cake face
mommy noah

1 comment to Happy Birthday, Noah!!!

  • Kelly Stinson


    It is so much fun to read your posts! I don’t have any kids of my own, but I have helped my sister raise her boys. It’s amazing how fast kids grow up, but it’s fun along the way. I think you are a great mom and hang in there. Your boys will be teenagers before you know it! They are adorable by the way. And your pictures are very good! I am glad your birthday went well!