
October 2008

Happy Birthday, Noah!!!

Noah, my sweet boy, today you turned five. I can hardly believe it’s been five years since you came into our lives. I’ll use the old cliche-I can remember that day like it was yesterday! I’ve spent the day remembering what we were doing five years ago. Early this morning, I was thinking we would […]

The day with Caden

It definitely is NOT my birthday anymore. I know this because my birthday gift from my boys-a day of good behavior-is in the past! It’s been a rough day. But we’re managing. And we’ve had some laughs.

While the boys were getting dressed this morning, they were playing one of their CDs in their room. […]

I say it’s my birthday

Happy birthday to me! The day is drawing to a close, and I have to say, it’s been a pretty good one.

I started my day with a run, which took a little motivation, but felt good in the long run. It was all part of my strategic plan (more later). The morning prep went […]

Bummed out

A little over a year ago, Caden tested positive for a peanut allergy. We discovered it after he ate a peanut butter sandwich about a year and a half ago and hives broke out around his mouth. So since last July, we’ve been carrying around an EpiPen, telling anyone who would listen that he’s allergic […]

I chose this

I chose to be a mom. Both boys were “planned”-no surprises. Of course, I didn’t choose to have two boys. But I have them, and I love them. Most days. Today wasn’t the best.

I work only two days a week, Mondays and Tuesdays, with the occasional half-day and/or weekend thrown in. I worked today, […]

Lapham Peak

I took the boys to Lapham Peak in Kettle Moraine State Forest today. It was another gorgeous day, about 80 degrees (in October in Wisconsin!), and too perfect to pass up. Andy was finishing sanding the deck, so he passed.

The first thing we did when we got to Lapham Peak was head to the […]

Talking at dinner

Sarah: “Noah, I think your hair needs a little trim tonight.”

Noah: “No, I think your hair needs a little trim!”

Sarah: “Oh really?”

Noah: “Yeah. It keeps getting fatter and fatter.”

I guess it’s a little humid today.

Here I am!

Yes, it’s been a while since I’ve been here. I just haven’t been that inspired. I also haven’t been taking that many “fun” pictures lately. My photography class is making me much more conscious of my picture-taking, so I find I’m not grabbing my camera as often. Doesn’t that seem backwards? You’d think I’d have […]

Drink up!

Don’t you think, during the debates, that you could have a drinking game? The word that’s sticking out tonight for me is “fundamental.” I think I’d be wasted right now! Granted, my tolerance is pretty much a negative value, but, seriously!

How about every time Sarah Palin says “I respect you for that”? Every time […]

I’m outta here!

That’s what this dog must have been thinking. This is a great video-just saw it on Dooce‘s website.

I want one!