I wasn’t going to write about this***, but since it happened TWICE tonight, I had to get it out.
Noah has been potty trained for 2 years now. (Now you know where I’m going with this…) He’s (usually) dry all day and all night. I don’t have to help him in the bathroom, at home or in public (though I get a little nervous about him in a public bathroom alone!). He has his moments where he has to hurry to the bathroom. Usually it’s because he’s busy doing something and he waits until the last minute. Tonight, he waited until after the last minute.
We decided to go to Best Buy tonight so Andy could spend his $50 gift card (on a $150 iPod) and to Famous Footwear so I could get a new pair of running shoes. At Best Buy, Noah and Caden made a beeline for the Wii demo, and Noah immediately began playing baseball, then golf. Andy was being wooed by the 8-year-old salesman talking iPods as I milled about dreaming of a Smartphone. Noah started whining my name, and I thought he was upset about something on the Wii. Then I realized it was an entirely different whine. And then I noticed the growing puddle between his feet. What the HELL?!?!?!?!?!? (Mind you, I asked him specifically, before we left home about 10 minutes earlier, if he had to go to the bathroom, and he said no.)
I frantically tried getting Andy to come over without making more of a scene than Noah cry/screaming. It took Andy a bit, and it took me all I had not to yell, “HE JUST PEED ON THE FLOOR!!!” At the same time, I’m trying to calm Noah down so he doesn’t attract more attention than necessary, and it took me all I had not to yell, “WHY THE HELL DIDN’T YOU GO POTTY BEFORE WE LEFT LIKE I ASKED YOU?!?!?!?” Andy let our child-salesman know about the puddle, and we tried to make a family trip back to the bathroom. Noah didn’t want to walk, so Andy picked him up, and Caden and I made for the car to go home to pick up some dry underwear and shorts. (For the first time in his life, Caden hustled to the car-he’s usually very putzy! I think he recognized the direness of the situation.) All done, no more problems, right? Wrong.
We spent our evening as usual, actually made it to the shoe store, ate dinner, played some basement baseball, took baths and got ready for bed. Andy was running on the treadmill and I was sitting with the boys in the chair in their room reading bedtime books. Suddenly, Noah looks at me, gets that little whiny voice again, and then I feel the warmth on my leg. Yeah, that’s right. He peed AGAIN!!! And this time it was on ME!!!
This time, I couldn’t keep it together. I threw all three of us off the chair and stormed into our bedroom to show Andy the carnage (my capris) and started ranting about what the HELL just happened. Somewhere in there I was yelling at Noah, he was crying, and Andy was trying to get me to lay off. He calmed Noah down, and suddenly Noah was fine. But I have a problem with grudges, and I had to get to the bottom of this issue with Noah. He claims he knew he had to go to the bathroom before we started reading. But somehow it wasn’t that important. SERIOUSLY?!
Here’s the kicker: Caden had a completely dry day (and night last night) and Noah had two accidents. AUGHHHH!!!!!
***My mom is worried that someday Noah will be trying to get an important corporate position or will be running for office (God help us!) and this will come up in his background check. So, to those of you in 2030 or so who are reading this to get some dirt on Noah, give him a break! This has nothing to do with his ability to perform a high-powered, job! He’s not even 5 yet!!!
Remind me to tell you about Emily’s accident the morning of Sarah’s 1st birthday party. She couldn’t get out of my way fast enough. This all coincided with Chris’ errand run – beer, ice, and balloons – AND then he felt the need to go check out new lawn mowers just because he was already out. Meanwhile I was cleaning up the accident and prepping for 20 or so people to come to our house in a little over an hour after this. Not fun!