
September 2008

I can’t believe I let this happen

Tonight, I had a momentary lapse of reason.

We were at a 40th birthday party for Don, a co-worker of Andy’s. Don and his family are very much into hunting. The front room of their home has about 5 deer heads, a goose, a fox with some bird in it’s mouth, a duck, 2 bears, and a few fish mounted on the walls-and it’s not that big of a room!

When we first arrived, Don’s 8-year-old son was motoring around on a small ATV. Don asked Noah and Caden if they wanted to go for a ride, and they laughed and said no. I think they thought he was kidding! I was secretly very happy the boys declined. We went off to eat some chips, cheese, and venison sausage (yup, homemade!).

Later, after an intense game of balloon passing for Caden and me, and a tough game of basketball for Noah and Andy, the boys progressed to non-motorized scooters. We are really thrill-seekers! Noah was introduced to a two-wheeled scooter, and Caden was thrilled to hear they had a three-wheeled scooter for him to ride. Noah was having a great time watching the “big boys” riding their bikes over a portable ramp, but staying a safe distance away. We all went back into the garage for cake, and Caden and Andy finished before Noah and me, so they headed back out to see the other kids out by the extra garage where the scooters and other ATVs were. Yes, multiple ATVs.

By the time Noah and I got out to the garage, I could see through the window that Don was sitting on one of the ATVs with Caden on his lap, putting a monstrous helmet on my baby’s head. Trying to control my panic, I calmly walked over to where Andy was standing, only to realize Don was seriously going to take my baby for a ride. Yes, my baby rode on an ATV tonight. After a couple of laps around the backyard, with multiple other ATVs cruising around (and it was getting dark-still trying to control any panic!), Don headed back with my baby, and my older baby was ready for a turn.

O-o-o-o-kay… It looked like my baby had fun, and Don didn’t go too fast (although he did pick up the pace a bit at the end-ehhhhh!), so, sure my older baby could go for a ride. Again, Don drove very safely (getting darker still…), and I think my older baby had a good time, so no reason to panic, right?

I think the panic will kick in when the boys start asking to go out to Don’s house for a ride. Or worse still, asking for their own ATVs!

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