
It started innocently enough…

The boys and I spent the morning at a “new” park today with Amy, Kylie, and Andy.  The three “big kids” did great running on their own, while Andy was a little kamikaze and kept us running after him.  There was a nice, shady area just beyond the playground equipment, so to get out of the sun, we decided to go on a “nature hike.”  The kids found a fire circle-a ring of large rocks around some charred sticks and soot and ashes.


Seemed innocent enough, right?  We weren’t paying very close attention, I suppose.  This is how Caden and Kylie ended up:

What a face! Filthy hands
What a mess! Crazy Kylie

To top it all off, the boys were wearing their new tennis shoes that are supposed to be for school but Noah convinced me to let them wear today. They cleaned up okay with some baby wipes!

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