
San Francisco photos

So after dinner last night (which we ate at 9:30 pm Pacific time = 11:30 pm Central time), I was too tired to blog any more.  At least I got a little in so I could keep up with NaBloPoMo!  Thank goodness for my brother’s iPhone (which is really too much fun!).

Yesterday after lunch, Matte, Cathy, and I headed up to San Francisco to take some pictures.  Since we didn’t have all day to wander around the city, we all agreed heading up north of the Golden Gate Bridge into Marin County would make for some great views and photo opportunities.  The weather did not disappoint.  As we were driving there, we expected a fair amount of fog to be around the bridge, which we thought would be kind of cool.  We instead found bright, warm sunshine and beautiful blue sky.

Golden Gate Bridge Golden Gate Bridge

After we spent some time up there, we started back toward San Jose. But we took a little detour to find the “Painted Ladies.” They are the Victorian houses that you see at the start of “Full House.” Thanks to Matte’s iPhone with GPS, we made our way there, taking the scenic route down Haight Street, which was very reminiscent of State Street in Madison, but not quite as commercial. I didn’t see a Gap anywhere!

Painted Ladies Painted Ladies
Painted Ladies playground These are part of a playground in the park across from the “Painted Ladies.” I thought they were so cute!

We made it back to San Jose after 7:00, which was part of our dinner dilemma.  But dinner was delicious, and I got to sleep last night, even with the cats visiting.

Today, we went to the Pancake House for breakfast, then spent much of the day shopping for the party tomorrow.  I had my first Trader Joe’s experience-I could definitely get to loving that place!  We’ve had a lazy afternoon.  We won’t make it to a winery during this trip, but we’ll have some yummy wine with dinner tonight, along with some chicken, fresh sweet corn, and veggies on the grill.

Tomorrow will be full preparation mode around here.  There are about 50 people expected throughout the afternoon/evening tomorrow.  It should be a great celebration for Cathy!

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